Product Knowledge

Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)

Pedagogical Content Knowledge or PCK is the main competence of teachers in developing learning. PCK is a distinctive form of experience and professionalism of an educator for his teaching material exclusively in the classroom.

Higher order thingking skill

Using a thought process box that combines the knowledge dimension which includes factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge with the cognitive process dimension includes remembering, explaining, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating which emphasizes students development based on process rather than on results.

Teaching Mastery Framework

The Teaching Mastery Framework (TMF) is a collection of competencies that teachers must have to teach effectively. TMF consists of eight basic elements consisting of pedagogical content knowledge, HOTS, planning, learning, tactics, classroom management, soft skills, scenarios, and assessment.

Linear Extrapolations

Linear Extrapolation is a method developed with the aim of providing a sequential learning process based on the analysis of what needs to be learned to achieve learning objectives (from AKT).


ABEC The effectiveness of teaching is measured by students’ responses during the teaching process which can be grouped into 4 aspects, namely: Affection, Behavior, Engagement and Cognition.

Holistic Educations

Holistic Education: Education that maximize all students’ potential, (such as motor, emotional, physiological, cognitive and environmental) in the learning process.

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